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Note - Medical Priorities Services, LLC is an independent & neutral organization legally bound to diligently & fairly examine the priority-claims filed in priority-certificate applications and to grant priority-certificates to the applicants satisfying the conditions and requirements set-forth by organization’s rules & regulations.   Medical Priority Achievements Of: James P. Caldwell  (Search Date: January 15, 2031) Identifying information - James P. Caldwell resides in Bellview, CA and is a surgeon in the orthopedic surgery department at the St. Mary Hospital in Sunnyside CA. Dr. James P. Caldwell, of St. Mary Hospital in Sunnyside CA, is the recipient of the following five (5) priority-certificates corresponding to five (5) medical priority achievements: 1. First performance of surgical reconstruction of damaged herniated disks by using artificial implants, by James P. Caldwell & Sanjay Kumar (priority-certificate no. 05-12356 issued May 4, 2005). Honors & Ranks: Ranked 12 th  in the field of Orthopedic Surgery for year 2005 Rating: Predicted value to society: 8 Scientific value & creativity: 9 2. First performance of surgical reconstruction of damaged herniated disks by using artificial polymer based implants and UV laser annealing, by James P. Caldwell (priority-certificate no. 09-5678 issued April 12, 2009). Honors & Ranks: Ranked 3 rd  in the field of Orthopedic Surgery for year 2009 Ranked among the “top 20 medical achievements of the year 2009 Rating: Predicted value to society: 9 Scientific value & creativity: 9 3. First performance of triangular fibrocartilage complex tear repair by using endoscopic plasma ablation of scar tissue, by Thomas Kuntz & James P. Caldwell (priority-certificate no. 16-4879 issued June 16, 2016). unranked unrated 4. First performance of ameloblastoma jaw repair surgery by using non-metallic implants, by James Caldwell & Manjit Chopra (priority-certificate no. 25-2378 issued October 11, 2025). Honors & Ranks: Ranked 12 th  in the field of Orthopedic Surgery for year 2030 Rating: Predicted value to society: 7 Creativity: 7 5. First performance of vertebrae replacement surgery assisted by live MRI and CT imaging, by James Caldwell & Vera Young (priority-certificate no. 30-8875 issued September 5, 2030). unranked unrated
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Copyright ©  Jerry Comanescu, 2015 
Contact: Jerry Comanescu,, Tel: 202-754-2064