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Copyright ©  Jerry Comanescu, 2015 
Contact: Jerry Comanescu,, Tel: 202-754-2064
Priority claims in other fields: Medical Sciences Cardiology Orthopedics Neurosurgery Oncology Neurology Ophthalmology Medical Imaging & Radiology Dentistry Cardiology Orthopedics Neurosurgery Oncology Neurology Ophthalmology Medical Imaging & Radiology Dentistry Cardiology Orthopedics Neurosurgery Oncology Neurology Ophthalmology Medical Imaging & Radiology Dentistry ... see more fields
Apply for Priority-Certificates Submit Priority-Claims Time Period 2017 2018
Ideas & discoveries ranked according to their “predicted value to society” Scientific field:  Medicine >> Neuroscience Enter time period of interest (years): 2016 Top 100 ideas, discoveries & achievements in “Neuroscience” for year 2016: 1. First to successfully perform micro-laser surgery on a human patient, by John V. Smith (Jan. 4, 2015). equivalent to the highest prize in Neuroscience for year 2016!!! 2. First to successfully perform targeted drug delivery using magnetic nanoparticles on a human patient, by Kathy Cooley (Feb. 23, 2015). 3. First to successfully perform targeted chemotherapy to brain tumors in a human patient, by Alice Yu (March 12, 2015). 4. First to successfully perform brain surgery assisted by live SPECT imaging on humans, by Vera Coors (April 2, 2015). 5. First to successfully perform  reconstructive spine surgery by tissues welding on humans, by John Taney (May 4, 2015). 6. First to successfully perform surgical removal of brain tumors by plasma ablation, by Karen Smith (June 23, 2015). 7. First to successfully perform surgical reconstruction of damaged nerve connections , by Ally Wu (July 12, 2015). 8. First to successfully perform brain surgery assisted by live SPECT imaging on humans, by Vera Coors (April 2, 2015). 9. First to successfully perform  reconstructive spine surgery by tissues welding on humans, by John Taney (May 4, 2015). 10. First to successfully perform surgical removal of brain tumors by plasma ablation, by Karen Smith (June 23, 2015). 11. First to successfully perform surgical reconstruction of damaged nerve connections , by Ally Wu (July 12, 2015). 12. First to successfully perform micro-laser surgery on a human patient, by John V. Smith (Jan. 4, 2015). 13. First to successfully perform surgical reconstruction of damaged nerve connections , by Ally Wu (July 12, 2015). 14. First to successfully perform brain surgery assisted by live SPECT imaging on humans, by Vera Coors (April 2, 2015). 15. First to successfully perform  reconstructive spine surgery by tissues welding on humans, by John Taney (May 4, 2015). 16. First to successfully perform surgical removal of brain tumors by plasma ablation, by Karen Smith (June 23, 2015). see all