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Scientific field: History >> Archeology Time period: 2017 - 2018 List of Priority-Certificates (in the above field) Top 100 ideas & discoveries (in the above field) List of Priority-Claims (Archeology) 1. The first to discover the vestiges of a prehistoric grave site (circa 5,000 A.D.) in the Santa Maria system of caves of the Alto Paraná region of Paraguay, by Sandra Rodriguez and Stanley Turner (January 9, 2016).      2. The first to decipher the text encrypted on the “Taborah Amphora” at the London Museum of History (recorded as item # 52,436) discovered in 1932 in the village of Taborah, southern Pakistan, and dated as about 3,500 A.D., by Michael McMahon (January 26, 2016) 3. The first to propose that the five figurines found in the village of Homorod, northern Bulgaria, represent the five incarnations of the ancient tracian god Zamolxis, by Vadim Belatov and Sergiu Andrei (January 18, 2016) 4. The first to discover and propose that the letter appended at the end of a XII century Bible (item no. 4,310 in Queen’s Ann Library) was written by King Edward the first and addressed to his son William; by Jane Sturridge (January 14, 2016)     5. The first to propose and find proof that the artifacts found in a grave site near the village of Hagimus (Poltava Oblast, Ukraine) are of Celtic origin; by Valery Belanov (February 11, 2016) 6. The first to discover the vestiges of a prehistoric grave site (circa 5,000 A.D.) in the Santa Maria system of caves of the Alto Paraná region of Paraguay, by Sandra Rodriguez and Stanley Turner (January 9, 2016).      7. The first to decipher the text encrypted on the “Taborah Amphora” at the London Museum of History (recorded as item # 52,436) discovered in 1932 in the village of Taborah, southern Pakistan, and dated as about 3,500 A.D., by Michael McMahon (January 26, 2016) 8. The first to propose that the five figurines found in the village of Homorod, northern Bulgaria, represent the five incarnations of the ancient tracian god Zamolxis, by Vadim Belatov and Sergiu Andrei (January 18, 2016) 9. The first to discover and propose that the letter appended at the end of a XII century Bible (item no. 4,310 in Queen’s Ann Library) was written by King Edward the first and addressed to his son William; by Jane Sturridge (January 14, 2016)     10. The first to propose and find proof that the artifacts found in a grave site near the village of Hagimus (Poltava Oblast, Ukraine) are of Celtic origin; by Valery Belanov (February 11, 2016)   11. The first to propose that the five figurines found in the village of Homorod, northern Bulgaria, represent the five incarnations of the ancient tracian god Zamolxis, by Vadim Belatov and Sergiu Andrei (January 18, 2016) see all priority-claims in the above field (342 published priority-claims)
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Contact: Jerry Comanescu,, Tel: 202-754-2064
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