Jerry Comanescu, 2015
Contact: Jerry Comanescu,, Tel: 202-754-2064
Why have your ideas & discoveries rated and ranked?
Rating & ranking asserts the VALUE & IMPORTANCE of your IDEAS / DISCOVERIES among the other priority
achievements in your field, as a scientific / intellectual achievement, and for the society.
Being ranked first in a certain field (e.g. Genetics, Neurosurgery, Astronomy, Business) for year 2017 is likely to be
regarded as a great achievement and honor. Scientists believing they made a big discovery or came up with a major
idea have a strong interest to apply for a priority-certificate and to ask to be ranked in the hope that the grantor will
determine that his/her idea is the top idea / discovery of the year.
The need for a system ranking ideas & discoveries
Currently (in the absence of a priority-certificates system) it is practically impossible to find/rank the best new ideas
& discoveries made/conceived in a recent year because such ideas & discoveries are disclosed over a large array of
journals and are not clearly stated (the journal articles do not clearly identify the new ideas & discoveries via formal
claims; there is no place where the new ideas & discoveries are systematically classified and cataloged).
The priority-certificates system determines the new ideas & discoveries of each year and effectively pools them
together in a CENTRALIZED DATABASE (click to see Database) classified and cataloged on subject matter. The
database includes the priority-certificates granted in the specific year in each field (each priority-certificate recites
new ideas and discoveries). The grantor has effective control of the priority-certificates database. The grantor has
access and a clear view of all the disclosed ideas & discoveries in certain field (e.g. cardiology, genetics, astronomy,
accounting) for a certain year.
Why we are particularly well positioned to perform a fair ranking of ideas & discoveries
Ranking Ideas & Discoveries
Top 100 ideas & discoveries of the year for each field!!
Click to access:
Top 100 ideas & discoveries of the year in various fields!!
Lists of Prizes awarded in each field
Innovation Competition Winners
view the best NEW ideas, discoveries & professional achievements in more than 500 scientific fields!
How it works:
Prerequisites: The participating ideas, discoveries and professional achievements must be NEW!. Thus only ideas for
which PRIORITY-CERTIFICATES have been obtained are considered for ranking.
Step-1: For each field, ideas claimed in priority-certificates are RATED / SCORED by EXPERTS in that field, according to
parameters such as: predicted value to society, creativity and scientific achievement. For example, a group of 20 (twenty)
neurosurgeons will be commissioned to rate the ideas, discoveries and professional achievements claimed on the List of
Priority-Certificates for Neurosurgery.
Step-2: For each priority-certificates, a FINAL SCORE is calculated as the average of the twenty individual scores received
from the twenty experts.
Step-3: For each field, the priority-certificates are RANKED according to the FINAL SCORE (ranking of priority-certificates
effectively determines / ranks the best ideas & discoveries in each specific field). The list of “Top 100 ideas and discoveries
of the year” is formed for that field (e.g. Top 100 achievements in Neurosurgery for 2018).
Step-4: Prizes may be awarded for “Top 10 ideas of the year” in each field.
World New Ideas, Inc.
address inquiries to:
Jerry Comanescu
Tel: 202-754-2064
World Registry of New Ideas